AMS Club Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) are intended to regulate the use of the AMS Club Reward Programme.

1.1 In these Terms & Conditions, except to the extent that the context requires otherwise, the following expressions shall have the following meanings.

“Astro” means Astro Media Solutions (708931-H);

“AMS” means a brand name registered under Astro Media Solutions to engage with the advertising and marketing industry via multiple platforms – Website, Facebook, WhatsApp and more coming. Formed by a strong team of over 100 professionals, we provide end-to-end advertising and marketing solutions, AMS Club believes in collaboration with like-minded partners to advocate marketing excellence and drive business growth; 

“Data” means the Transaction Data and the Member Data;

“Database” means the computerised records of information consisting of inter alia, Member Data, Transaction Data, Members' Points (also known as points) allocation, Rewards Requests,  (also known as points) redemption and fulfillment of Rewards Requests, maintained and operated by AMS Club;

“Laws” means any local state or federal laws, statute, rule, or order governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia;

“Member” means a AMS Club Member unless otherwise specified. Membership is non-transferable;

“Membership” means those arrangements by which a Member agrees to participate in the programme and receives (also known as points) by performing activities listed under AMS Club Rewards, and so qualifies for Gifts redemption under these Terms and Conditions;

“Member’s Data” means data relating to the Member’s identification, address, phone number, email address and other personal and household information provided during the Member’s initial registration and/or from time to time by the Member to AMS Club;

“Personal Data” means personal data and other information collected by AMS Club from the member during the Member’s initial registration and/or from time to time by the Member to AMS Club;

“Points” means the allocated by AMS Club to Members pursuant to these Terms & Conditions;

“Interactive Services” means the function to share and download on the website;

“Content” means the submission of profile information, text, or other materials;

“Programme” means AMS Club Rewards Programme, a -based (also known as points)  loyalty programme owned and operated by AMS Club, whereby points are given to Members based on the activities performed; points are redeemable by the Members for Rewards from AMS Club and the Rewards will be sent via postage delivery.

“Rewards” means the merchandise and/or other forms of goods and/or services which Members may redeem points for;

"Redemption Catalogue" means the relevant catalogue displaying the Rewards available to Members at any point in time and accessible on the AMS Club Rewards website at;

“Partner/Supplier” means those companies, entities and other persons participating in the Programme who supply goods and/or services, which may be made available for redemption of points;

“Campaign” means the campaigns organised by the “Programme” according to the schedule and during the time period specified;

1.2  A Member is defined as “Active” on a particular date if the said Member has logged in 4 times in a month.


2.1 The AMS Club Rewards programme (“Programme”) is a proprietary -based (also known as points) loyalty programme which is owned and operated by AMS Club, whereby Members are allocated points at the discretion of AMS Club based on, but not limited to, Members’ activities that will be specified at a later clause and points allocated are redeemable for Rewards offered under this Programme and will be delivered via postage.


3.1 Membership of the programme is free.

3.2 Only individuals aged 18 years and above, who hold a profession in the advertising and marketing industry, can be members.

Type of profession Job level Designation

3.3 Membership is eligible for both Malaysian and non-Malaysian.

3.4 Membership of the Programme is limited to individuals only and is limited to one account per individual.

3.5 Employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives of AMS Club Rewards Programme, Astro employees and its affiliates are eligible for Membership. However, they’re not allowed to redeem the rewards on AMS Club Rewards Programme.

3.6 Besides Clause 3.5, only professionals in the advertising and marketing industry are allowed to become a member. Non-professionals and those from other industries are not eligible for AMS Club Rewards Programme membership.

3.7 Any individual who wishes to become a Member must agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as varied from time to time.

3.8 Your Account

You agree that you shall only submit or provide information that is accurate and true, and that you will keep the information provided up-to-date. Further, you agree that you shall not misuse the website by creating multiple AMS Club Rewards Programme membership accounts.

Upon registration for AMS Club Rewards Programme membership at our website, you will need a password for your account. You are responsible for ensuring your account details including your password remain confidential, current, complete and accurate. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account and/or password (authorised or not) as if such activities were carried out by you. You shall notify the Programme immediately if you become aware of or have reason for suspecting that the confidentiality of your account details, including your password, have been compromised or if there has been any unauthorised use of your account or if your personal information requires updating.

Should you leave the company or industry, your account will be deactivated. If you sign in with your existing details, you will be required to update your current details to be able to use your account as usual and resume collecting points.

AMS Club Rewards Programme reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account without prior notice for any reason including if these Terms are violated or if it is in AMS Club’s best interests to do so.


4.1 Members will be allocated points based on the activities that they performed when they log in their account.

4.2 Below are the said activities. Members will earn points every time they perform any of the activities below. Each Member can only earn points for a maximum of 3 activities per day. No points will be allocated for the 4th activity and onwards performed by the Member within the day.

a. Via Activities Performed By The Members

Activities Points
First Sign Up 100
Profile Update 10
Social Media Linking 10
Join AMS Club WhatsApp 20
Friend Referral 50
Event attendance 80
Birthday Gift Redemption 200
Share AMSCast video on Social Media 50 (for each video)

b. Via Social Media Sharing

Members can share AMS Club articles and videos on social media account to earn points.

Calculate your total points using the formula:

1 engagement = 3 points
No. of likes + No. of comments + No. of shares = Total No. of engagements
Total No. of engagements X 3 points = Total No. of points

All articles and videos shared has to be shared within that quarter (Q1: 1 Jan – 31 Mar; Q2: 1 April – 30 June; Q3: 1 July – 30 September; Q4: 1 October – 31 December)

4.2 (a) Members can earn points for “Profile Update” only once when they reach 100% of the profile completion.

4.2 (b) Effective 1 October 2020, for article sharing, Members can share the same article as many times as they like, but Members will no longer earn points for the first-time sharing.

4.2 (c) Effective 1 October 2020, for content download, Members can download the same content as many times as they would like, but Members will no longer earn points for the first-time download.

4.3 For friend referral, a maximum of 10 successfully referred friend will entitle Member for points.

4.4 Points allocated to a particular Member’s Account can neither be transferred to any other Member’s Account nor aggregated with points from any other Member’s Account.

4.4 For content download, Members can download the same content as many times as they would like.

4.5 Points allocated in this Programme have no cash or monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.

4.6 Points are NOT transferable to any other person or entity.

4.7 From time to time, points may also be allocated to a Member based on a promotional offer or campaign. AMS Club will, at its sole discretion, determine which campaign to allocate points to and the number of points to be accorded to the Member’s Account. points campaigns may be announced from time to time. Members should refer to the AMS Club website for the latest update(s) as such from time to time.

4.8 The Programme reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and without prior notice to the Members, to re-compute any points allocated to the Member’s Account at any time and from time to time to correct any errors or inaccuracies in the allocation of the points or due to a change in the conversion rate of the points or in such other circumstances as may be determined by AMS Club from time to time.


5.1 When a Member uses points to redeem a Reward, the amount of points used will be deducted from the then total amount of points in the Member’s Account, with the points allocated earlier being deducted first. Any points, which are not used by a Member to redeem a Reward within the next 12 months

in which the points were allocated, will automatically expire and be deducted from the points balance in a Member’s Account. Any unused points allocated and accumulated will NOT be carried forward upon their expiry. Expired points cannot be redeemed.

5.2 Members are only eligible to redeem once every quarter of the year. In the event of their birthday, they are allowed to redeem within that birthday month regardless if they have redeemed in that quarter or not.

5.3 Their birthday points will be expired in the subsequent month should they choose not to redeem within their birthday month.

5.4 AMS Club reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and without prior notice to the Members, to deduct or forfeit any points allocated to the Member’s Account at any time and from time to time under the following circumstances and such other circumstances as may be determined by AMS Club from time to time:

(a) any points suspected to be fraudulently recorded; or

(b) any points that are inaccurately allocated or allocated in error; or

(c) any points relating to a transaction which is cancelled; or

(d) if the Member’s Account is voluntarily cancelled, closed or terminated by the

Member or cancelled, closed or terminated by AMS Club

5.5 All points should be redeemed prior to the expiry date. There will be no extension given to any expired points.

5.6 Points allocated to any Member’s Account do not constitute property of the Member and are not transferable by operation of law or otherwise to any person or entity and cannot be transferred to any other Member’s Account.


6.1 Members will be notified about their points balance every quarter via EDM.

6.2 Points balance can also be viewed at

6.3 Disputes arising over the points summary details must be notified to AMS Club within 1 (one) month from the date of the relevant information being published otherwise the points summary details shall be deemed to be correct and binding on the Member. Members are requested to provide supporting documents where applicable to assist AMS Club in resolving the dispute. The dispute details can be emailed to

6.4 AMS Club’s decision on any such dispute is final and binding. AMS Club will not be responsible for any delay in the posting of the transactions and/or the allocation of points during the Programme.


7.1 AMS Club will send a notification email after each redemption about the order summary. The Member will be sent a confirmation email within 3 working days after the notification email to inform them whether they are eligible for the Reward or otherwise. In the case that the Reward redeemed is not available, an item of similar value will replace it. Member will be informed as such in the confirmation email.

7.2 Members may redeem their points for only one transaction for every quarter with unlimited Rewards. Reward options include, but are not limited to, the options listed below:

(a) AMS Club-owned products

(b) Tangible merchandise or memorabilia

(c) Tickets, passes, or access to shows, performances, concerts, theme parks, parties, events, etc

(d) Immersive experiences organised by AMS Club

(e) Goods and services offered by Merchants

(f) Airline travel tickets

(g) vouchers & certificates

7.3 Any props, accessories or equipment featured together with any of the Rewards in the Redemption Catalogue or in any other marketing materials are for ornamental purposes only and shall not form part of the Rewards.

7.4 In order to redeem any particular Reward, a Member must have, at the time of the intended redemption, a number of points that is equivalent to or more than the number of points prescribed as the number of points for the redemption of the said Reward. Redemption by Members with insufficient points will be rejected.

7.5 AMS Club reserves the right at any time and from time to time to change the Points-Reward conversion rate without prior notice to Members.

7.6 Redemption orders once accepted by AMS Club cannot be revoked, cancelled, returned or exchanged, and the affected points will not be reinstated.

7.7 All Rewards are subject to availability. We reserve the right to modify or cancel any Reward at any time. Certain Rewards are available only during the time periods described in the Programme communications (including the Programme website). Certain restrictions apply to Rewards. Terms and conditions of each Reward are set forth in the Programme communications and/or on the certificates/vouchers. Merchants participating in the Programme are subject to change. Some Rewards have limited availability.

7.8 There is NO trial period for all Rewards redeemed from this Programme. Members are required to inspect the Reward(s) redeemed (where applicable) immediately upon receipt of the Reward(s).

7.9 For all the electrical items redeemed with AMS Club, members can liaise directly with the merchant for any enquiries or issues. AMS Club gives no representation or warranty with respect to any goods and/or services featured in the Redemption Catalogue or other channels of redemption. In particular, AMS Club gives no warranty with respect to the quality of the redemption item or their suitability for any purpose. However, Members may liaise directly with the Merchant in respect of any warranty relating to the relevant goods and/or services. AMS Club will not be liable for any death, injury, direct or consequential loss, theft or damage of any nature that the Member may suffer arising from redemption of the Rewards.

7.10 All Rewards unclaimed after 2 months from the redemption date will be deemed as void and forfeited. points will not be reinstated to the Member’s Account nor will the validity of existing points be extended. Members are advised to contact AMS Club if the redemption item or such other applicable form of redemption notification by AMS Club has not been received after a lapse of 14 days from the redemption date.

7.11 All Rewards are subject to such terms and conditions as are mentioned in the current redemption item schedule or in any other terms and conditions relating to the redemption item, as determined by the Merchants, including any ticket for airline travel. It is the Member’s responsibility to satisfy any Terms and Conditions imposed by an airline or other Merchants including advance booking requirements and any restrictions and/or fees payable in respect of the cancellation or alteration of tickets.

7.12 Rewards in the form of certificates/vouchers are valid for use only at participating outlets or Merchants as mentioned on the certificates/vouchers and only for the specific item/reward mentioned therein. The certificates/vouchers are valid for use until the date specified and subject to the Terms and Conditions (which includes booking requirements, cancellation restrictions, warranties and limitations of liability) therein. If certificates/vouchers remain unused after their respective specified date, the certificates/vouchers will lapse and will not be replaced. Issuance of dining, travel or hotel accommodation voucher does not constitute a reservation. The entitled Member is responsible for notifying and making all reservations. AMS Club does not accept liability whatsoever (including negligence) with respect to the Rewards supplied nor in connection with any Merchant’s refusal to accept certificates/vouchers issued by AMS Club for the purpose of redeeming these items. Any disputes arising from this are solely between the Members and Merchants. Members are strongly advised to adhere to safety precautions and instructions when participating in outdoor activities, as AMS Club will not be held responsible for any outcome as a result of Members’ participation in the activity. In any cases of lost vouchers, AMS Club will not be held responsible either under such circumstances. Other general terms and conditions on certificates/vouchers are as follows: 

▪ The certificate/voucher is only valid for use at participating outlets or Merchants as mentioned on the certificate/voucher and only on specific Rewards mentioned therein.

▪ The certificate/voucher is only valid for use before the expiry date indicated on it and cannot be extended.

▪ Cancellation or expiry of certificate/voucher shall not result in the reinstatement of points.

▪ The certificate/voucher is not refundable or exchangeable for cash.

▪ If the Ringgit value of the item purchased by the use of the certificate/voucher is less than the Ringgit value of the certificate/voucher, AMS Club shall not in any way be liable to refund the Ringgit equivalent of the balance amount.

▪ It is the Member’s responsibility to make their own reservation with the participating outlets or Merchants where required.

▪ Members may be requested to present their current Identification Card/Passport, original certificates/vouchers upon redemption at the selected participating outlets or Merchants.

▪ Only original certificates/vouchers will be accepted. Participating outlets or Merchants will not accept damaged, defaced or photocopied certificates/vouchers.

▪ The participating outlet or Merchant also reserves the right to decline a certificate/voucher if found to be forged, tampered, expired and if the certificate/voucher details do not match the Member's identification card/passport.

▪ AMS Club or the participating outlets/ Merchants will not replace lost, stolen, damaged and expired certificate/vouchers.

▪ Participating outlets or Merchants’ own Terms and Conditions (which includes reservation requirements, cancellation restrictions, warranties and limitations) will also apply to the use of the certificates/vouchers.

7.13 Redeemed Rewards are not refundable, exchangeable, replaceable, redeemable or transferable for cash, credit, other rewards or points under any circumstances.

7.14 AMS Club will not be liable for any death, injury, special, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential loss, theft or damage of any nature howsoever arising that the Member may suffer arising from redemption of the Reward(s).


8.1 Any Member who wishes to use points to redeem a Reward is required to log on to Upon successful sign-in, the following steps apply:

  1. Browse and select desired Reward item to redeem
  2. Check if you have sufficient points
  3. Add to cart
  4. Check out
  5. Fill up the details and upload name card if you have yet to do so in “My Account” section
  6. Item is processing

Member will subsequently receive a notification from AMS Club acknowledging receipt of the redemption request.

8.2 The Rewards redeemed will be delivered to the address registered with AMS Club subject to eligibility and stock availability (refer to Clause 7.1).

8.3 Once AMS Club issues to the Member the receipt acknowledgment notification in respect of the Member’s redemption request, there shall be no revocation or cancellation of the said redemption request or return or exchange of the redeemed Rewards


9.1 All Rewards or, as the case may be, Reward redemption notifications, would be delivered or sent on an “as is” and “as available” basis within 14 days of receiving the relevant redemption request from the Member. Rewards will be delivered to the current address of the Member shown in AMS Club’s record or any other address as authorised by the Member.

The delivery charges for the first attempt of delivery will be borne by AMS Club to East and West Malaysia.

AMS Club will not deliver to PO Box addresses and addresses outside Malaysia. Member/recipient of Reward(s) is obliged to present necessary ID documentation to the delivery staff, failing which the delivery staff has the right to refuse delivery and will return the redemption item to AMS Club as unclaimed.

Delivery will only be made against a written acknowledgement of receipt of the Rewards and of satisfaction with its physical condition by any occupant at the address of delivery or where such address is an office address, by any personnel at the office. Such acknowledgement shall be deemed to be the acknowledgement by the Member. All charges of second and subsequent delivery attempts due to unsuccessful delivery by the courier agent will be borne by the Member.

 9.2 Members are advised to examine all Rewards upon receipt. All goods and services supplied will be covered by the Merchant’s normal delivery terms of business. Except where the law provides otherwise, AMS Club will not be responsible for the quality or suitability of the goods or services or for any delay in delivery. If a Member finds the redemption item faulty/damaged, he/she is requested to contact directly with the respective Merchants according to the warranty information.

9.3 As for AMS Club merchandise, if a Member finds the redemption item faulty/damaged, the Member can email 3 days from the received date. Any disputes after 3 days will not be entertained.

9.4 If neither a Member nor any person on the Member’s behalf is available to receive a Reward at the delivery address on the date of the delivery of the Reward, the Member is advised to liaise directly with the relevant courier service company within the specified time frame and at the location as stated in the “sorry card” (dropped or left by the courier service company at the delivery address).

9.5 The delivery of certain Rewards shall require an additional charge for shipping and handling which charge shall be borne by the Member. AMS Club may impose a separate delivery or courier charge or, where appropriate, deduct points from Member’s account for delivery charges under the following circumstances:

 (a) Re-delivery of Rewards that have been returned as a result of being unclaimed; or

(b) Re-delivery of Rewards that have been returned under the following circumstances i.e. incomplete address, non-Malaysian addresses, person has shifted, no such person or for any other failed delivery reasons.

9.6 AMS Club gives no warranty (whether expressed or implied) whatsoever with respect to Rewards items acquired under the Programme. In particular, AMS Club gives no warranty with respect to the quality of items acquired or their suitability for any purpose.

9.7 AMS Club shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered, or for any personal injury that may be suffered, to a Member, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of Rewards redeemed under the Programme. For the purpose of covering the delivery of redemption Rewards under these Terms and Conditions, "force majeure" shall be deemed to be any cause affecting the performance of these Terms and Conditions arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of the party and without limiting the generality thereof shall include the following:

(a) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action;

(b) civil commotion, riot, invasion, war threat or preparation for war;

(c) fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural physical disaster; or

(d) any changes in law and regulations, which have a material impact on the performing abilities of either Party.

9.8 AMS Club reserves the right at any time, without prior notice, to add / alter / modify / change (or) vary all of these Terms & Conditions or to replace wholly, or in part, the Reward(s) with other Reward(s), whether similar or otherwise to the first-mentioned Rewards, or to withdraw any Reward altogether.

9.9 Any dispute and/or complaints regarding the goods or services received as a Reward under the Programme shall be settled between the Member and the Merchants which had supplied the goods or services. AMS Club will bear no responsibility for resolving such disputes and/or complaints, or for the dispute/complaint itself.

(a) if it is given by such Party or its solicitors by post in a registered letter addressed to the other Party at its address herein mentioned or to its solicitors’ address and such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served at the time when such registered letter would in the ordinary course of post be delivered; or

(b) if it is dispatched by such Party or its solicitors by hand or by courier to the other Party at its address hereinbefore mentioned or to its solicitors’ address and such notice shall be deemed to have been received at the time when the same is delivered; or

(c) If it is transmitted by such Party or its solicitors by facsimile to the other Party to its facsimile number or to its solicitors’ facsimile from time to time notified by the same and such notice shall be deemed to have been received at the time of transmission provided that there has been a confirmed answerback.


10.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, AMS Club is not and shall not be liable for any statements, representations, or Content provided by its users in any public forum or any Social sites.

10.2 More generally, Content posted via any Social sites is not controlled by AMS Club. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content. You understand that AMS Club shall not be liable for any such Content.

10.3 To the maximum extent permitted by law, AMS Club will not be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, for (i) any errors or omissions in any Content; or (ii) any loss or damage (including, without limitation, personal injury or property damage) of any kind incurred as a result of any Content posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted via or to the website and Social sites.

10.4 You may access the Content and any other content on the website only as permitted under these Terms and the Privacy Policy and you agree to not engage in the use, copying or distribution of any of the Content other than as expressly provided herein.

10.5 You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the website or features that prevent or restrict use of any Content or enforce limitations on use of the website or the Content. You may not interfere with or disrupt the website, or servers or networks connected to the website, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the website, including by using any device, software or routine to bypass robot exclusion headers.


11.1 You are solely responsible for all content that you upload, email or otherwise transmit via or to the website, or otherwise, including the submission of profile information, or other materials (collectively, “Content”). We will not accept Content from you unless you are a registered user of the website. By submitting Content to AMS Club, you represent and warrant that:

11.2 AMS Club does not endorse any Content or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein, and AMS Club disclaims all liability with respect to the Content.

11.3 If your Content includes ideas, suggestions, documents or proposals to AMS Club through AMS Club communication channel(s):

  • such Content is not confidential or proprietary and AMS Club has no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect thereto;
  • AMS Club may have something similar to that Content already under consideration or development; and
  • you are not entitled to compensation, payment or reimbursement of any kind for such Content from AMS Club under any circumstances unless you are otherwise notified by AMS Club in writing.

12.1 AMS Club reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Programme at any time giving 1 month prior notice. In such a case, AMS Club shall give advance written notice to Members in the manner it deems appropriate.

12.2 Termination of the Programme will take effect on the date stated in the notice. Members will be advised to use any outstanding points within a stipulated period. All outstanding points will be automatically cancelled upon the expiry of this period.


13.1 By participating in this Programme, you consent to the processing of your Personal Data in Clause 13.2.

13.2 Privacy Notice

Information we collect

Information you provide to us: In the course of engaging with AMS Club, you may provide Personal Information about you. Personal information is often, but not exclusively provided to us when you sign up for and use to redeem, send us an email or communicate with us in any other way. We will let you know prior to collection whether the provision of Personal Information we are collecting is compulsory or if it may be provided on a voluntary basis and the consequences, if any, of not providing the information. By giving us this information, you agree to this information being collected, used and disclosed.

Information from website browser

If you’re browsing the website, we collect the same basic information that most website collect. We use common Internet technologies, such as cookies and web server logs. We collect this from all the users whether they have an account or otherwise. We collect this information to better understand how our website visitors use AMS Club, and to monitor and protect the security of the website.

Information from Members

If you create an account, we require some basic information at the time of account creation. You will create your login details with your own email and password and we will request for a valid email account. You also have the option to give us more information and this may include Member’s Data. User personal information does not include aggregated, non-personally identifying information. We may use aggregated, non-personally identifying information to operate, improve, and optimise our website and service.

How Members’ information is processed and shared

AMS Club may access and use the data we collect as necessary (a) to provide and maintain the reward redemption; (b) to address and respond to service, security, and customer support issues; (c) to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, unlawful, or technical issues; (d) as required by law; (e) to fulfill our contracts; (f) to improve and enhance the redemption; (g) to provide analysis or valuable information back to our Members.

Information Sharing

Ensuring your privacy is important to us. We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this privacy policy. We may share your personal information with (a) third party service providers; (b) business partners; (c) affiliated companies within our corporate structure and (d) as needed for legal purposes. Third party service providers have access to personal information only as needed to perform their functions and they must process the personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Examples of how we may share information with service providers include:

  • Fulfilling redemption orders
  • Providing Member support
  • Sending marketing communications
  • Conducting research and analysis
  • Providing cloud computing infrastructure

Examples of how we may disclose data for legal reasons include:

  • As part of a merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company where customer information will be one of the transferred assets.
  • As required by law, for example, to comply with a valid subpoena or other legal process; when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, or to protect your safety (or the safety of others); to investigate fraud; or to respond to a government request.

We may also disclose your personal information to any third party with your prior consent.

Cookies Information

When you visit AMS Club, we may send one or more cookies — a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters — to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser and lets AMS Club help you log in faster and enhance your navigation through the website. A cookie may also convey information to us about how you use AMS Club (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click and other actions you take on the AMS Club), and allow us or our business partners to track your usage of AMS Club over time.

You can control or reset your cookies through your web browser, which will allow you to customise your cookie preferences and to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the AMS Club may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.

13.3 Member may request for limiting the processing of the Member’s Personal Data at any time hereafter by submitting such request to AMS in writing via email to Any inquiries or complaints with respect to the Member’s Personal Data should also be channeled to AMS in this manner.

13.4 Member may refer to Astro's Privacy Notice at this link [ ]


14.1 Points, and any rights they confer, cannot be sold, transferred, assigned or otherwise dealt with except in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. points have no cash or monetary value. The redemption points displayed in the website are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change from time to time. AMS may, at its absolute discretion, allow the transfer of points under certain exceptional circumstances. Suspected or actual fraud and/or suspected or actual misuse relating to the accumulation of Reward points in the Programme may result in forfeiture of accumulated points as well as cancellation of a Member’s participation in the Programme. All questions or disputes regarding eligibility for the Programme or the eligibility of points of accrual will be determined by AMS at its sole discretion.

14.2 AMS is not liable under the following circumstances:-

▪ Any unauthorised redemption of points

▪ Any unauthorised use of points or unauthorised sale of points

▪ Any loss, theft or damage to any Rewards in the course of delivery

▪ Any Rewards not being available for any reason

▪ Any failure to notify Members of any changes in these Terms and Conditions, the Rewards offered, qualifying goods and services and/or the number of points

▪ The suspension and/or termination of the Programme

▪ Any technical failure of system, including AMS’s webwebsite, servicing hotline and other systems which may impede a Member’s transaction.

14.3 All conditions and warranties whether expressed or implied and whether arising under legislation or otherwise, as to the condition, suitability, quality, fitness or safety of any redemption Rewards supplied under the Programme are expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any liability AMS may have to a Member under legislation in respect of such redemption Rewards which cannot be excluded is limited, where permitted, to supplying, or paying the cost of supplying the goods or services again or repairing, or paying the costs of repairing the goods, at AMS’s option. Neither Merchants nor Programme Partners shall have any authority, expressed or implied, to make any representation, warranty or statement on behalf of AMS.

14.4 AMS reserves the right to assign, sell or transfer the Programme or any of the rights and obligations under these Terms & Conditions without the Member’s consent and may disclose or transfer all information held about Members to such third party.

14.5 Variation of Rules

AMS reserves the right at its absolute discretion to amend, delete or add to any of these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice, including but not limited to conversion rate of the points. By participating in this redemption Programme, the Member is deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Terms & Conditions and any decisions of AMS. AMS may change, at any time and from time to time, without prior notice to the Members, these Terms & Conditions, the Rewards and/or the Merchants and/or Programme Partners.

14.6 Governing Law

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia.

14.7 Language

The Parties agree that all notices and other communications under or in connection with these Terms & Conditions shall be in English. In the event where there is a discrepancy in communication to Members using Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Tamil or any other language, the English version will prevail.

15.0 Contacting AMS

In the event that the Member, who is the subject of the personal data supplied pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, becomes aware that their related information is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or needs updating in any respect, or wishes to access such information, they should make such request in writing by:

Logging on to our website and updating your most recent details at ‘Update Profile’ or email to